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What would happen if everyone stopped eating meat tomorrow? - Carolyn Beans


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TEDEd Animation

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Imagine if a wizard of meatless dining suddenly appeared on Earth and with one wave of a wand wiped away all meat from our shelves— along with any desire to eat it. Farm animals destined for food vanish, whisked away to another planet. What happens in the following days, years, and even millennia? Carolyn Beans explores what a vegetarian world could look like.

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Meet The Creators

  • Educator Carolyn Beans
  • Director Mitchelle Tamariz
  • Narrator Pen-Pen Chen
  • Music Salil Bhayani, cAMP Studio
  • Sound Designer Nirana Singh, cAMP Studio
Avatar for Do-Yoon Lee
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Meatless world is too bad.

If I must stop eating meat tomorrow, I will eat many dishes of meat today. Because I like meat. I don't want to stop eating meat. I hope it won't be a meatless world while I'm alive.

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I think eating meat isn't totally bad. There are many kind of meat that contain a good nutrition, such as fish meat that contains vitamin B. Vitamin B is essential for bone growth and strength. Another example is beef that contains abundant protein and iron. The iron in meat is easily absorbed by the body, stabilizing blood circulation.
However, some meat processing causes the nutrients in the meat to be reduced, such as frying. Frying usually use the high temperature that can denaturing vitamin B and C.
We can conclude that essentially meat containing a good nutrition, but some condition eating meat isn't totally good because of its processing (on cooking) that makes a good nutrition inside be denatured.

Avatar for inan farah
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I think a world without meat is too bad because meat is something that cannot be separated from human life because humans really need the nutritional content that is in it and I think it would be very boring if we constantly eat vegetables or fruits that tend to taste the same and meat is also part of the staple food of some humans in this world and I think a world without meat might be measured at 30% of human food consumption with the rest being carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables

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Yes, I totally agree with that.
As a meat lover, a meatless world is one of my nightmares. Because I think meat not only provides benefits to our body, but it's also very delicious to eat. I really don't want to lose my meat.

Avatar for athaya nayaka
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I agree, because meat has complete nutritional content and has vitamins that help the growth and development of our body. and meat also includes animal protein which is very good for the body. but keep in mind that eating meat should not be excessive because it can cause some diseases that are quite dangerous. if you want to ************, you should only eat three servings a week.

Avatar for Andhias Helena
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We are of one mind, I am a meat lover and I am of the opinion that our body will always need the nutrients in meat.

Avatar for Daniel Gonzalez
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i agree because meat has a lot of benefits and give us other dishes to eat.

Avatar for Renato Dias
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I tend to agree with you since I like to ************. Not only red meat but chicken and fish.

Avatar for Allid Distribusindo
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meatless world is not 100% good ..

Avatar for Kelly-Ann Robert
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Same for me, but what if we don't have a choice in the futur? I think they gonna have to find good protein substitute to keep the population on their feet’s.


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