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What would happen if everyone stopped eating meat tomorrow? - Carolyn Beans


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TEDEd Animation

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Imagine if a wizard of meatless dining suddenly appeared on Earth and with one wave of a wand wiped away all meat from our shelves— along with any desire to eat it. Farm animals destined for food vanish, whisked away to another planet. What happens in the following days, years, and even millennia? Carolyn Beans explores what a vegetarian world could look like.

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Meet The Creators

  • Educator Carolyn Beans
  • Director Mitchelle Tamariz
  • Narrator Pen-Pen Chen
  • Music Salil Bhayani, cAMP Studio
  • Sound Designer Nirana Singh, cAMP Studio
Avatar for nick m
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meatless world is bad

because meat gives us nutrients and we need it to survuve

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Avatar for Azyyati Zata
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I think this opinion can be said to be true because if all people in this world become vegetarians then the nutritional needs of the body will not be able to be fulfilled properly, especially for children and adolescents, they really need the protein and fat contained in meat in the process of growth, although consuming meat can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer, however, the fat contained in meat also has benefits, namely to help in the absorption of minerals and vitamins such as A, D, E and K. In addition, meat can also prevent anemia, maintain immunity, optimize muscle function and many more benefits obtained from consuming meat. As long as we consume in portions that are in accordance with the recommended dose by nutritionists, meat consumption will be a very good food for our bodies, and finally it will be very bad if humans do not consume meat (without fat), because meat is the best source of protein that every human body needs for its growth process.

Avatar for Uma Sriram
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There are substitutes that have the same nutritional value, so therefore we can survive without it
(my opinion :D)

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