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What is a calorie? - Emma Bryce


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We hear about calories all the time: How many calories are in this cookie? How many are burned by doing 100 jumping jacks, or long-distance running, or fidgeting? But what is a calorie, really? And how many of them do we actually need? Emma Bryce explains how a few different factors should go into determining the recommended amount for each person.

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  • Educator Emma Bryce
  • Animator Qa'ed Mai
  • Script Editor Eleanor Nelsen
  • Narrator Addison Anderson
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by TED-Ed

Calories measure the amount of energy in our food—but we need to think about the nutritional quality of our food as well. Discuss the potential differences between energy and nutrition, and describe a diet that you think would meet both our energy and nutritional needs.

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Avatar for Genessa Verdugo
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The difference between energy and nutrition is that nutrition is the materials within an organism, while energy helps us to perform activities. I believe a diet that would meet both of our energy and nutritional needs would be a diet that provides healthy and good quality foods throughout the day.

Avatar for Carter Clark
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Nutrition is the literal "building blocks" and materials an organism (be that an animal, person, or plant) needs to survive, grow, adapt, and mature. The energy is what helps the organism do tasks throughout its lifetime (like metabolic balance, breathing, moving, etc.) A diet that would work for anyone is just no diet at all. we do not need diets to be healthy. If you incorporate proper healthy, fulfilling foods, with movement throughout your day (like walking to class or work, cleaning, cook your own meals) your health will improve.

Avatar for eliyah gallo
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The difference between energy and nutrition is that nutrition is the materials in a organism but energy helps us do activities. I Feel an omnivore diet would be most beneficial because it incorporates resources we need.

Avatar for Ruben Lizama
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energy is what helps are body function threw out are day while for nutrition this help us grow like getting taller. A diet i think would meet both of those needs is an equal amount of healthy and good quality foods threw out your day.

Avatar for Zaid Pugh
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Nutrition helps the growth in our bodies. Energy helps the body function. They are both key things you need in your life.

Avatar for Valeria Huicochea
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The potential differences between energy and nutrition And a diet I believe meet both nutrition and energy is something similar to the food plate of nutrition carbs, protein, dairy, meat all necessary for a persons diet to have proper nutrition and energy.

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Nutrients are the raw materials an organism must acquire from the environment to live. Energy is used to power life's processes and is derived from light, organic molecules or inorganic molecules.
A balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, dairy foods and lean meats meet these needs.

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You can't just eat a lot of junk or you going to be fat and unhealthy and you will have no good energy. The only thing you should eat is veggies and fruit, and you should like whole foods to stay healthy and strong. so you can grow into your full adult.

Avatar for gabriel davila
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You should eat a lot more vegetables and fruit because it is very healthy for you.
