Want to be happier? Stay in the moment - Matt Killingsworth
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When are humans most happy? To gather data on this question, Matt Killingsworth built an app, Track Your Happiness, that let people report their feelings in real time. Among the surprising results: We're often happiest when we're lost in the moment. And the flip side: The more our mind wanders, the less happy we can be. (Filmed at TEDxCambridge.)
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- Speaker Matt Killingsworth
by John Healy
John Healy
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TED Talks Class Discussion on Happiness
1. What is more important to you, $ or : )? 2. At what time of day are you most happy? 3. What do you think the difference is between 'mind wandering' and 'day dreaming'? 4. How do you feel right now? 5. What do you do to make others happy?
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Kristi McKenzie
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I would say happiness is more important to me. I grew up in a family that didn't have a lot of money so we found happiness in other things that money can't buy. I think I am at my happiest in the afternoon, when my little family is all together reflecting on our day. I think the difference between 'mind wandering' and 'day dreaming' is that day dreams can be fantasy of the future, whereas mind wandering is thinking of things in the past or of other things presently at hand. I am currently happy. I try to make everyone smile that I come in contact with, by either telling a joke or giving a compliment. You never know what someone is going through and you might just be the light they needed to get through the day.
Ariana Hickman
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I would say that happiness is more important to me than money. I think I am most happy at noon. I think the difference between "mind wandering" and "day dreaming" is that "mind wandering" is more about thinking about past and present situations where as "day dreaming" is more about thinking of future things like what you would like to accomplish.
Kayla Lamkin
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1. For me, I believe :) is much more important than $. but $ can make a person :) so it depends on the person.
2. I am most happy midday when my mind is occupied by tasks.
3. Mind wondering can range from thoughts of past experiences to future plans whereas day dreaming is thinking about what you would rather do in that moment.
4. I've been better but I've been worse so I'm alright.
5. I always do everything I can to make someone happy, how I achieve that depends on the person. Sometimes that requires a conversation, sometimes it is a drive, sometimes it is doing something silly.
Madison Estep
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1. To me, :) is more important.
2. I am the most happy when I can relax from school or practice, so usually in the evenings.
3. I think the difference between mind wandering and day dreaming is that in day dreaming, you're thinking about fantasies while mind wandering is thinking about realistic situations.
4. I feel a mixture between stress and excitement.
5. I try to make other people laugh or compliment them to make them happy.
Kaitlyn Ng
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1. :) is more important to me
2. It depends on the day, but most days I am most happy in the afternoon when I finish school.
3. Mind wandering is when you shift your mind to think about something other that the topic at hand. Whereas, day dreaming is a form of mind wandering that involves you staring into space "dreaming" about something you want (similar but not the same as mind wandering).
4. I feel exhausted but accomplished right now. (exhausted from school, but accomplished for all the work and extra-cirricualr activities I did today).
5. I always smile at others (friend or stranger) and give at least one complement to them, I give people hand made goodies (cookies, cupcakes, etc), I sing/play a musical instrument for them (fun Disney songs on the piano), going to hang out with the people at the mall, and making jokes.
Wenting Wang
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For me, happiness is more important. I am a college student now, a good result of any examinations or contacting my loving ones can bring me happiness. And during the day, I usually feel happy when it's night, because all the heavy stuffs have already happened, and all I can do is enjoy the night and relax myself. Well, mind wandering is usually about both positive and negative things, but there is a high possibility that day dreaming is about the good things that you want it to happen, which brings you happiness. At this point of time, I feel a little nervous because of the test I would have tomorrow, but I still need to think about something can make me feel relax and happy. With respect to the last question, I usually say something interesting to make others happy, or share happiness with them.
olena khaietska
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1. For me :) is very important, but sometimes I feel :) when I make $.
2. Usually it is around 3 pm
3. 'Mind wondering' is only about our memories, problems or plans; 'day dreaming' is about things that we would like to do now
4.i am :l because I have headache
5. I always try to by politely and don't yell at people. If I can help someone I always try to do everything in my power
Johanna Gil
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The things that are important to me is to make my family very happy and work hard every day so I can give my kids a better future. I am most happy in the morning because I get up with energy to accomplish all my goals. I feel that I need to be strong and don't give up if I want a better quality life for my kids.