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Ethical dilemma: Who should you believe? - Alex Worsnip


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TEDEd Animation

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You’re sitting on the couch, when you hear a knock on the door. The police have arrived to arrest your spouse— for murder. This accusation comes as a total shock, but their fingerprints were found on the murder weapon. Your spouse insists they’re innocent. Should you believe your spouse, even though the evidence against them looks damning? Alex Worsnip takes a look at this classic ethical dilemma.

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Meet The Creators

  • Educator Alex Worsnip
  • Director Emily Howells, Aaron Brady
  • Narrator Addison Anderson
  • Animator Emily Howells, Aaron Brady
  • Composer Stephen LaRosa
Avatar for Abdallah Ewis
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Ultimately, in light of all of the different considerations and arguments, what do you think you should you believe in the case of the accused spouse? Should you believe that your spouse is guilty, or that they are innocent? Or should you suspend judgment, forming neither belief?

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Avatar for Jameion Green
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Me personally i would believe that my spouse is innocent even if they had evidence at the end of the day it's still my souse

Avatar for Om Patel
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I think that he might be guilty because we don't know when or were the killing happened he might have sayed that he was going out to get some food or left at night went her spouse was not looking.

Avatar for Bradyn Faulk
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I think that you should believe in your spouse. They might only need you and if you don't believe them they might break down.

Avatar for Trace Nale
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I would belive that they would be guilty if the jury could show the the evendec and if that can not do that then i would belive my partner.

Avatar for Bryleigh Whittington
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i would stay by them but its just not up to me to tell the court that he is guilty or not and if he not then i would still stay by him

Avatar for Ximena Lara
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It's hard to believe that person or not I would trust a spouse when it's proven.

Avatar for Jacob Salazar
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it is harder to control your belief when you know the exact truth

Avatar for Jacob Salazar
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to trust your spouse even if you know the truth

Avatar for Carson Olivarez
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you always want to believe your spouse but you can't when the truth is standing in front of you

Avatar for Caden Crutcher
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i think the spouse i not innocent he could be hidding his actions through out the marrige


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