Is math discovered or invented? - Jeff Dekofsky
10,052 Questions Answered
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Would mathematics exist if people didn't? Did we create mathematical concepts to help us understand the world around us, or is math the native language of the universe itself? Jeff Dekofsky traces some famous arguments in this ancient and hotly debated question.
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- Educator Jeff Dekofsky
- Director Bill Keaggy
- Artist Chris Roettger
- Animator Eric DeFord, Sol Lee, Janghun Lee
- Sound Designer Rob Todd
- Narrator Addison Anderson

by TED-Ed
What are your thoughts and/or beliefs on whether mathematics is invented or discovered? Which do you feel is the truth of the matter, and, most importantly, why?
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n f
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I think mathematics was discovered because of how essential it is to our daily lives. We use mathematics in a lot of ways for different things to the point that without it, it would be impossible to do a lot of things.
Natalie Guzman
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i think humans invented math
Kailyn Britt
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i think that humans invented math. i think humans because i don't really think the world just made up math
Lilly Legate-Wandel
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my class was very confused
Syafiqah Sulaiman
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I think that mathematics was invented. Mathematics does not exist physically but everything actually requires mathematics in order to function or created.
Nur A'qilah
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I felt that Mathematics was discovered because either way, we need to use Mathematics in our daily lives. For example, to buy items, we need to count the money and mathematics is essential to avoid any miscalculations. Without mathematics, the subject of science would not be able to be discovered as well.
Bryan Turangan
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I feel that Mathematics played a part in helping us to comprehend what's happening around us. the daily patterns and events that naturally occur, shape how we translate math today. Math is just the language and measurements that we use to understand certain happenings in life. All these math theories are based on the patterns and rules of the universe.
Koey Lim
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I think mathematics was discovered. All the mathematical ideas, equations and sequences we humans discovered can be found being used in one way or another by nature. All we merely do is give those equations a more physical form by actually writing it out in numbers and words, and breaking down the theory behind it.
Nandini Giri
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Invented. Maths consists of principles and ideas which explain the various patterns occurring in nature. Nature works in a very organised and patterned way. However, nature is not something that is strictly in accordance with rules. It is ever-changing and constantly evolving. Maths is simply a way of explaining how nature works.
Ellen Chandler
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I think that math has been invented and discovered. The Earth has been around longer than humans have and the principals of how math worked was still around, it just hadn't been discovered. However Humans did create some things like units of measuring.