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Image recognition that triggers augmented reality - Matt Mills


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TED Talk

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Matt Mills and Tamara Roukaerts demonstrate Aurasma, a new augmented reality tool that can seamlessly animate the world as seen through a smartphone. Going beyond previous augmented reality, their "auras" can do everything from making a painting talk to overlaying live news onto a printed newspaper.

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Meet The Creators

  • Speaker Matt Mills
  • Collaborator Tamara Roukaerts
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by TED-Ed

Matt Mills gives several examples of uses for the Aurasma application. Can you think of any others?

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Avatar for Jong mu Lee
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For train specific engaged people, to work efficiently and help their skills.

Avatar for Daniela Guarda
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The world's population is getting older and older. Aurasma can filter the latest technological processes to the elderly who, thus, will be able to cope with everyday needs.

Avatar for raahim memon
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Instead of just being able to read the words on the Ad, you can just the advertisement oh so quickly and then

Avatar for Ryan Matzelle
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I think that Aurasma would work well with advertisements to really make the product pop.

Avatar for David Hakkenberg
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I think auraasma could be a fabulous tool for scanning advertisement billboards as your passing them. Instead of just being able to read the words on the Ad, you can just the advertisement oh so quickly and then, POOF, a video comes up explaining more in-depth about the company.

Avatar for Anh Nguyen
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bed-time story books can get a little more exciting with Aurasma

Avatar for Griffin Healy
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When a loved one passed away, you can go on aurasma for a memory if you have a picture of them.

Avatar for Flavetius flav
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I think that as instruction video is a good tool.

Avatar for Abdu King Almawali
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in advertisements.. to get more clarification about them....

Avatar for Reneẻ Marandu
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For comic books perhaps, to animate them more!

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