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How the water you flush becomes the water you drink - Francis de los Reyes


4,691 Questions Answered

TEDEd Animation

Let’s Begin…

In 2003, Singapore’s national water agency launched an unprecedented program to provide more than 50% of their nation’s water supply by recycling wastewater. The program had been planned for decades to ensure the island nation never ran out of clean water. But is it really safe to reuse anything we flush down the toilet? Francis de los Reyes explains the science of wastewater treatment.

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Meet The Creators

  • Educator Francis de los Reyes
  • Director Jody Ghani Nordby
  • Narrator Addison Anderson
  • Music Salil Bhayani, cAMP Studio
  • Sound Designer Nirana Singh, cAMP Studio
Avatar for Hayley Levitt
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What do you think are the main reasons people might not trust wastewater reuse?

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Avatar for gabriel nazarrio
Lesson completed

because of that yellow water, thats not something we wanna taste or feel or imagine, while drinking water

Avatar for Waleed Elali
Lesson completed

i think the main reasons that people dont trust the wastewater reuse is because they think its not clean or like not safe

Avatar for Harry Connerty
Lesson in progress

I think the main reasons people might not trust wastewater reuse are that it is not safe to drink wastewater.

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