How do scars form? - Sarthak Sinha
12,415 Questions Answered
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It’s hard to escape childhood without racking up a few scars. Why do these leftover reminders of a painful cut or crash look different from the rest of our skin? And why do they stick around for so long after the incident that caused them? Sarthak Sinha explains how scars form.
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Meet The Creators
- Educator Sarthak Sinha
- Animator Noel Wong, Mark Storer, Henry Chung, Alexandra Kogl
- Artist Ieuan Protheroe, Ricky Earl
- Script Editor Alex Gendler
- Narrator Addison Anderson

by TED-Ed
What psychological and social support do you think is necessary for patients undergoing medical procedures for conditions such as skin burns resulting in what are often considered to be “unaesthetic” scars?
Conditions such as second and third degree skin burns can result in serious and debilitating post-burn scaring, often leading to deformities that makes it extremely difficult for individuals to integrate back into the society.
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Lesson in progress
Adam Walden
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counseling, support groups, and therapy
Navaeh Mack
Lesson in progress
doctor visits, counseling, talking to other that may relate
Dyhlj'Mheir Robinson
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Support group team, counseling
Lauren Middleton
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What psychological and social support do you think is necessary for patients undergoing medical procedures for conditions such as skin burns resulting in what are often considered to be “unaesthetic” scars?Psychological because it helps with stress and burn wounds.
Maribeliz Gonzalez
Lesson in progress
support groups, individual counseling therapy
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in response to Carie Stegall Show comment
I agree,because when something is so life changing such as having burn scars it changes the way people feel about themselves. If those patients have psychological and social support they will not feel so abnormal and wont see their disability as a bad thing.
Harry Connerty
Lesson completed
I think some skin therapy for social support is necessary for patients undergoing medical procedures for conditions such as undergoing medical procedures for the patients condition. I think some class support is necessary for patients undergoing medical procedures for conditions. Debilitating post burn is skin burns that are often resulting considering to be Unaesthic scars.
Irma Trevio
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Support group team, counseling.
Veronica Alegria
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we think so