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How blood pressure works - Wilfred Manzano


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TEDEd Animation

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If you lined up all the blood vessels in your body, they’d be 60 thousand miles long. And every day, they carry the equivalent of over two thousand gallons of blood to the body’s tissues. What effect does this pressure have on the walls of the blood vessels? Wilfred Manzano gives the facts on blood pressure.

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Meet The Creators

  • Educator Wilfred Manzano
  • Director Nick Sazani
  • Producer Steve Shin, Samantha Scharff, Matthew Chadwick, Arielle Matorana
  • Editor Leroy Patterson
  • Script Editor Eleanor Nelsen
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by TED-Ed

Chronic hypertension is a risk factor for many diseases, but often goes undetected due to infrequent monitoring and absence of symptoms. What are some ways we can encourage patients to come in for more frequent screenings? What medical devices can you imagine that would be more sensitive to increases in blood pressure? Better yet, how can the development of high blood pressure be prevented in the first place?

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Avatar for Makayla Guadian
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There are many ways you can encourage the patients to get more frequent screenings. One is by recommending that they get a take-home stool blood test, as a reminder and tracking system. You can prevent an increase of blood pressure with a healthy diet and not having a lot of sodium. You need to eat less fat more fruits and vegetables.

Avatar for Angelina Alvarado
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To encourage regular blood pressure checks, educate patients about high blood pressure dangers, use wearable devices, and establish community programs for free screenings. Promote healthy habits like regular exercise, stress management, and involvement in heart health programs to raise awareness and prevent hypertension.

Avatar for Evelyn Partida
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Patients could be encouraged by spreading awareness about the risk factors of getting high blood pressure and also their should be monthly required checkups for it and some medical devices would be like some harmless devices that would remind them to get a checkup and high blood pressure can be prevented by awareness.

Avatar for Jaslene Ochoa
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To encourage patients to get their blood pressure checked more often, we can educate them about the dangers of high blood pressure, use apps or wearable devices that monitor their blood pressure and send reminders, and set up community programs that offer free screenings. More sensitive devices could include smartwatches or blood pressure cuffs that connect to phones for real-time updates. To prevent high blood pressure, it’s important to promote healthy habits like eating well, exercising regularly, managing stress, and getting involved in community heart health programs. These steps can help raise awareness and prevent hypertension.

Avatar for Marlén Collazo
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Some ways we can encourage patients to come in for more frequent screenings include having a good connection with your patients and even calling to check up on them. You could recommend coming in every certain amount of time. Hypertension could be prevented by exercising regularly, having a good diet, and decreasing salt intake. Along with this, smoking and vaping can make your blood pressure increase, especially those who are older.

Avatar for Anthony Seaborough
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we can make really good connections with the patients and help them the best we can

Avatar for Allison Soileau
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Some ways we can encourage patients to actually come in and get screened maybe making a really good connection with your patient, so they get intrigued to know they have a screening appointment. biosensors, and photoplethysmography are some medical devices that is more sensitive .

Avatar for Kyleigh Redkey
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Age. The risk of high blood pressure increases with age. ...
Race. High blood pressure is particularly common among Black people. ...
Family history. ...
Obesity or being overweight. ...
Lack of exercise. ...
Tobacco use or vaping. ...
Too much salt. ...
Low potassium levels.

Avatar for Bech Lo
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To encourage patients to come in for more frequent screenings, we can do health education about the consequences of high blood pressure. I imagine the pressure detector on the skin can quickly examine the pressure level. Healthy lifestyles are the key factors to control high blood pressure.

Avatar for Eloise Uhrich
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To encourage patients to come in for more frequent screenings, I would talk to them about the importance of their health. The development of high blood pressure can be prevented by eating healthy, not smoking and limiting alcohol consumption.


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