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What causes antibiotic resistance? - Kevin Wu


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TEDEd Animation

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Right now, you are inhabited by trillions of microorganisms. Many of these bacteria are harmless (or even helpful!), but there are a few strains of ‘super bacteria’ that are pretty nasty -- and they’re growing resistant to our antibiotics. Why is this happening? Kevin Wu details the evolution of this problem that presents a big challenge for the future of medicine.

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Meet The Creators

  • Educator Kevin Wu
  • Animator Brett Underhill
  • Script Editor Alex Gendler
  • Narrator Pen-Pen Chen
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by TED-Ed

Bacteria are becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics thus making more and more antibiotics inadequate. New drugs and/or methods must be developed to combat these new resistant bacteria.

Where do you think these drugs or methods will go? Do you think that we will mainly rely on the development of new antibiotics that target different mechanisms or on the development of novel methods to fight off resistant bacteria?

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Avatar for Deniz Engin
Lesson in progress

I think we would be able to make vaccines against these bacteria

Avatar for Cheytan Gobbi
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i think we'll rely on new discoveries for better antibiotics, or we may have to go a different route away from antibiotics. it's hard to tell what the future will bring

Avatar for Lara Castillo De la Cruz
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We will likely rely on the development of new antibiotics targeting different mechanisms and other methods to fight off resistant bacteria. More extensive research on those types of vaccines could lead to something new.

Avatar for Christopher Morales
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We're probably gonna rely on both the development of new antibiotics and different mechanisms to fight off those resistant bacteria, with more alternate methods.

Avatar for Jacqueline Lanaghan
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We would rely on both of them to fight off resistant bacteria.

Avatar for Harry Connerty
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I think According to my prediction, we will mainly rely on developing new antibiotics that target different mechanisms or on developing novel methods to fight off resistant bacteria.

Avatar for Taseana Brown
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I think they are going to keep making more vaccines.

Avatar for cae ann
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I believe there will and is extensive research on how to combat this issue. Whether or not it will be a new antibiotic.

Avatar for Karla Ochoa
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I believe that drugs will become last resort to fight off growing immunity and resistance to them from both our bodies and the bacteria. I also think new methods off fighting bacteria like increasing our overall health to create a strong immune system will be prioritized.


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