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History vs. Thomas Jefferson - Frank Cogliano


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TEDEd Animation

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Thomas Jefferson, founding father of the United States and primary author of the Declaration of Independence, was part of America’s fight for freedom and equality. But in his personal life, he held over 600 people in slavery. Are his enlightened principles outweighed by his participation in a greater injustice? Frank Cogliano puts this controversial figure on trial in History vs. Thomas Jefferson.

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Meet The Creators

  • Educator Frank Cogliano
  • Director Brett Underhill, PorkchopBob Studio
  • Narrator Addison Anderson
  • Music Stephen LaRosa
  • Sound Designer Stephen LaRosa
Avatar for Cheney Munson
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Throughout his long life Thomas Jefferson condemned slavery as morally flawed institution that harmed enslavers and those they held in bondage. Despite this he failed to take meaningful action against slavery, believing that achieving American independence and establishing republican government were essential before the problem of slavery could be solved (by future generations). Moreover, he believed that whites were superior to Blacks and that the races could not live together in peace after the abolition of slavery. Can we take Jefferson seriously as an anti-slavery slaveholder or should we dismiss him as a racist hypocrite who knew slavery was wrong but failed to act?

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Avatar for Ruby Delgado
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it is up to individuals to decide whether they can take Jefferson seriously as an anti-slavery slave holder or if they see him as a racist.

Avatar for Azadeh Javaherpour
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in response to Katie Henry Show comment

Check primary sources or even wikipedia, he inherited 135 enslaved people! He freed only 5 slaves upon his death. He believed and wrote although black people should have their human rights, "they are mentally and physically inferior to Whites". His house was built by his enslaved people.

Avatar for Katie Henry
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I mean they did a decent job but HE DID NOT HAVE SLAVES I CHECKED ON NORMAL GOOGLE HE WAS SLAVE FREE!!!!! I checked bc I am black and I care about that stuff

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Can next history on trial be Coco Channel

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History is more complicated than actors lives and the leaders are too judge without judging ourselves.

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