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History through the eyes of the potato - Leo Bear-McGuinness


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TEDEd Animation

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Baked or fried, boiled or roasted, as chips or fries; at some point in your life you’ve probably eaten a potato. But potatoes have played a much more significant role in our history than just that of the dietary staple we have come to know and love today. Leo Bear-McGuinness shares how without the potato, our modern civilization might not exist at all.

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Meet The Creators

  • Educator Leo Bear-McGuinness
  • Script Editor Amy Adkins
  • Director Jonathan Trueblood
  • Narrator Addison Anderson
Avatar for Sofia Rios
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Who knew?

I never would have thought that the potato would be the reason of over a million deaths in Ireland! It's CRAZY to think that potatoes are such a major food supply and without them so many people would starve.

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Avatar for Ahmed Ademoğlu
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I AGREE WİTH YOU.That's crazy., unbelievable , harmful...Firstly , I feel sad for the people of Ireland (Irishs). Also , do you know about 2 billion obese people have been living in today's world.I'll say extra extremly and skriking information. 1,5 or 2 billion people really starving. Especially in Africa and the Middle East. (I couldn't remember the numbers , but these are probably true.)

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