Every city needs healthy honey bees - Noah Wilson-Rich
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Bees have been rapidly and mysteriously disappearing from rural
areas, with grave implications for agriculture. But bees seem
to flourish in urban environments -- and cities need their help, too.
Noah Wilson-Rich suggests that urban beekeeping might play a role
in revitalizing both a city and a species. (Filmed at TEDxBoston.)
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- Speaker Noah Wilson-Rich
by Rosie Herold
Rosie Herold
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How can you help people to understand bees, their role in our lives and become Bee advocates? Explain your campaign.
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Arianna Reedy
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I would discuss this with my gardening class and find a place for bees. they would support our food growth and we would be supporting bee populations. When collecting and selling the vegetables and honey, that is when the word will be spread about the importance of bees.
Hyun Shin
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in response to Jiwon Hong Show comment
woww I felt that
Jiwon Hong
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I can help people understand bees by bringing awareness to the importance of their role in a healthy sustainable world. I can post and talk about the decline of bees throughout the world and the effect it can have on the environment, health, and economy on social media.
Olivia Williams
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I would help people become bee advocates by explaining the irreversibilty of colony collapse disorder.