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Can you solve the secret werewolf riddle? - Daniel Finkel


5,489 Questions Answered

TEDEd Animation

Let’s Begin…

You’re on the trail of a werewolf that’s been terrorizing your town. After months of detective work, you’ve narrowed your suspects to one of five people. You’ve invited them to dinner with a simple plan: to slip a square of a rare antidote into each of their dinners. Unfortunately, you only have one square left. Can you divide it into perfect fifths and cure the werewolf? Dan Finkel shows how.

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About TED-Ed Animations

TED-Ed Animations feature the words and ideas of educators brought to life by professional animators. Are you an educator or animator interested in creating a TED-Ed Animation? Nominate yourself here »

Meet The Creators

  • Educator Daniel Finkel
  • Director Outis
  • Narrator Addison Anderson
  • Animator Nemanja Petrovic
  • Sound Designer Nemanja Petrovic
Avatar for Oliver Langley
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What is the answer to the bonus riddle?

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Avatar for awash az
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i think they were all werewolf because the statement : " at least one of us is a human " , it is not true because there was only one werewolf , And we conclude that the previous statement is a lie, so they are all werewolves

Avatar for Carissa Logan
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in response to Michiel Mestdagh Show comment

I came up with that conclusion too.

Avatar for Michiel Mestdagh
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I concluded they were all werewolves. As long as there are humans, the statement: "At least one of us is human." will always be true. Since werewolves tell lies, there wouldn't be any. But we're told there is at least one werewolf, therefore our initial hypothesis was wrong. So there aren't any humans in the village, scary thought to be honest.

Avatar for Felix Lee
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not sure

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