How do we experience time? - Matt Danzico
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is that some experiences feel like they last forever, while others fly
by? We tend to miscalculate the time it takes to engage in novel
activities due to the influence of memories. Matt Danzico explains why
your childhood feels like it lasted forever and why that beach vacation
seemed like two months rather than two weeks.
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- Director Andy London
- Animator Cindy Tan, Santiago Peralta
- Artist Jiujiu Liu
- Educator Matt Danzico
- Narrator Matt Danzico

by TED-Ed
Have you done anything to slow your time perception recently?
What were they? Why do you think this shift in time perception occurred? Were they new experiences?
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Becky Meacham
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Yes. I have tried to stay in the moment and be mindful. No they weren't new but I guess I was looking for new aspects of them
Анюта Кулумбаева
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делаем упражнения на время. например: ставим таймер и человек делает какое либо действие и должен закончить за определенный отрезок времени. и смотрим совпало ли это с таймером
Raylee or ginger Norman
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Go everywhere on time
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no experience like that
Isabelle WILBERT
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olivier negre
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travailler sous apnée
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in response to BILLY YE Show comment
when I started exercising time seemed to go slower with the new exercises
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Zoe Nath
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Reading this article
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It was while an exercise of consciousness: the purpose was to walk as slowly as we can during one minute. I was experiencing a real slow motion! I thought it lasted 5 or 10 minutes, and yes, it was something new for me.