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A 3D atlas of the universe - Carter Emmart


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TED Talk

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For the last 12 years, Carter Emmart has been coordinating the efforts of scientists, artists and programmers to build a complete 3D visualization of our known universe. He demos this stunning tour and explains how it's being shared with facilities around the world.

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  • Speaker Carter Emmart
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by TED-Ed

How far into space do you think we'll have explored in the next 20 years?

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Avatar for logan harlan
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I think we'll further our knowledge on the universe and update our technology to become greater.

Avatar for Jax Benton
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We will be on mars and have a sustainable living area for humans on mars and we will be preparing to

Avatar for elyse garaty
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depends on what new technologies that are yet to be developed but I think ai will develop rapidly helping us discover and learn about more planets, stars and galaxy's although I don't think we will be living on any new planets or exploring other solar systems I think we will gather some very important information.

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We would have probably sent items to mars to gt ready to send actual humans to mars.

Avatar for Ardian Fauzi Tri Pamungkas
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not much, but exploration in Mars will increased significantly. Maybe first colonialism will succeeded soon.

Avatar for damian markiewicz
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if technology improves we may be able to travel in light years so we can get much farther than just the solar system. we may be able to find planets that would be able to sustain living things or we may finds resources on other planets. we can also map out more of the universe.

Avatar for Christopher Smith
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Hopefully, technology will improve and we'll be able to discover how to travel through the universe via light years. In 20 years, IF we learn how to manifest an energy fast enough, I think we'll be this much closer to mapping out the rest of the universe and most importantly, seeing what is beyond our little planet.

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