TED-Ed at TEDYouth 2013
By Caroline Cristal on December 6, 2013 in News + Updates
This year at the TEDYouth Conference in New Orleans, TED-Ed set out to discover what ignites student curiosity and ideas — what was “the Spark” for TEDYouth attendees?
The one-day event was a blast for attendees and TED staff, and TED-Ed had the opportunity to host a couple of interactive stations.

Photo credit: Ryan Lash
At the TED-Ed Animation Station, we watched as students tried their hand at creating stop-motion videos. We asked them how they might want to introduce speakers, and you can see some of their animated shorts below.
TEDYouth attendee Alexis Strain worked in some 3D animated shots when introducing Pixar’s Senior Scientist Tony DeRose.
Brielle Jordan did a great job animating an introduction for entrepreneur, environmental activist and fellow young person Maya Penn.
In the spirit of TED’s mission of “Ideas worth spreading,” we also hosted an interactive table asking young people to write or draw what they think makes a great idea, including their own great ideas. Their ideas and thoughts were both inspirational and creatively decorated!
Scroll down to see the amazing ideas and creations that came from the incredible students and teachers who attended TEDYouth (including a visit from surprise speaker Ashton Kutcher)!

Photo credit: Ryan Lash