Create a lesson around these four videos: Plant life
By Jordan Reeves on October 28, 2013 in News + Updates
Following last week’s challenge theme (Pop Culture), this week’s theme is Plant Life.
Plants are pretty awesome! They range from minuscule to mighty. Plants are present in just about every aspect of our daily lives, and we still don’t know so much about them. For instance, this TED Talk asks if plants have a form of intelligence of their own. Crazy, right? Intelligent plants?
If you’re new to plants, you should check out Paul Anderson’s lesson about land plants. You can also create a customized lesson around this video.
This week’s challenge is to create a lesson around at least one video related to plant life. You can create a customized lesson around any of our suggested videos below, or you can find your own video exploring plant life here. Nominate your lesson as a Best Flip, and we’ll potentially feature it on the TED-Ed website!
(If you’re struggling to find awesome videos about plants, check out this playlist of plantastic videos. It’s a wonderful collection of TED Talks about plants which you can surround with contextualized lessons. You can find any of them on YouTube by searching for them by name here.)

One of the world’s largest trees — absolutely amazing!

The top ten deadliest plants. Beware!!

How can plants help the economy and the environment? Agriculture.

The biggest flower in the world is pollinated by tiny bees.