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Dispatches from TED Active – Part 1

By Rose Eveleth on February 28, 2013 in News + Updates

Greetings from TED Active! Over the past few days, the TED Education Team had the exciting honor to bring together  educators, video content creators, and animators to pick their brains and come up with exciting, creative lessons. Here are some of our favorite shots from the past few days.


Mike Rugnetta of PBS’s Idea Channel, and Michael Stevens, creator of VSauce.

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Alex Dainis of Bite Sci-zed, and Aaron Sams, the educator behind this TED-Ed lesson get together and brainstorm lesson ideas.

Images by Stephanie Lo and  Marla Aufmuth

Lisa Lucas, publisher of Guernica, talks to Lisa LaBracio, one of the TED-Ed animators.


Here’s George Zaidan, science video creator.

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TED-Ed animator Franz Palomares takes notes as Lisa Lucas and Mike Rugnetta brainstorm lesson ideas.

Have your own lesson idea? Get involved here at the TED-Ed website.

Images by Stephanie Lo and Marla Aufmuth
