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Is binge watching bad for you?

Lesson created by Alexandra Panzer using TED-Ed's lesson creatorVideo from AsapSCIENCE YouTube channel

Let’s Begin…

You've probably guessed by now that your eyes won't go square from watching too much TV, but are there other side effects? ASAPScience investigates.

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Avatar for Preyshanniae Smith
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Why do people prefer TV than being outside and making the best of their life?

II just wanted to see people's explanations!

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Avatar for Yana Kl
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I think this happens cause people are lazy and they don't want to change anything in their lives and they are used to having fun without making any effort, without even leaving their homes and their sofas

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Because one time they already watch TV they don’t stop and they don’t want to go outside and playing with their friends

Avatar for Ahmet Emin AKKUS
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I think People are thinking that Watching tv is easier and more comfortable I dont want waste my energy.

Avatar for Ariqah Halim
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I think it might happen because many people like things that are easy to reach, practical and don't need to pay a lot of money to get pleasure and watching TV gives it

Avatar for Preyshanniae Smith
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My opinion is that people don't care to explore our beautiful world maybe go outside and adventure and see what you can find.