Is binge watching bad for you?
Lesson created by Alexandra Panzer using TED-Ed's lesson creatorVideo from AsapSCIENCE YouTube channel
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You've probably guessed by now that your eyes won't go square from watching too much TV, but are there other side effects? ASAPScience investigates.
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TED-Ed Best of Web are exceptional, user-created lessons that are carefully selected by volunteer teachers and TED-Ed staff.
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- Video created by AsapSCIENCE
- Lesson Plan created by Alexandra Panzer
by María CB
María CB
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Why do people prefer seeing the TV?
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Because some people don’t want to pas time with they family and they prefer seeing the TV
Dallas Birdsong
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Because it is intresting.
Enzo Hinojosa
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Because its so good it fire
Anh Lan
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Obviously they are craving for some source of entertainment and TV often is the most suitable option, right? You have access to a wide range of different programmers, channels and so forth. Another reason might be procrastination. Our brain tend to opt for easier task instead of challenging ones like studying or doing exercise.
Preyshanniae Smith
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When people have nothing to do they get bored and seeing/watching the TV makes their boredom vanish and it entertains them.
동휘 김
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We can have many information also in the TV.
A. M.
A. M.
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It does not require any effort at all. It does the thinking for you, and helps you enjoy your snacks. Also it is a conversation starter because many people watch TV as well.
Estrella Teofilo
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for pleasure and for not finding another way to use their free time, they prefer to see something animated of the series, but they do not know the damage that it does to his health to spend that time watching television, I do not say that bad of sea, but it is not well spend so much time looking at something that does not benefit anything
Gia Perry
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It's bigger and easier to see.
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I think you mean watching TV.