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Pi with pies

Lesson created by Periodic Videos using TED-Ed's lesson creatorVideo from Numberphile YouTube channel

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Numberphile did something crazy - attempted to calculate Pi using real Pies. Watch and see how close they got to the real figure of 3.14159265359... Visit Numberphile

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Why do you think it is important to know and understand Pi? In what jobs is it useful?

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Avatar for Cindy Rodriguez Dominguez
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Because you can calculate the area,perimeter or *********. It is important in mathematics and its ranches.

Avatar for Namh Lahade
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It is important to know and understand Pi because it is used in a lot of math and engineering jobs. For example, if you are a designer, you have to designing a particle accelerator for chemistry. The jobs that it is most useful in is designing because circles are an important part in designing a product.

Avatar for Halima Hasan
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While Pi is an irrational number, it is important for many jobs such as engineering, architecture, and statistics. It is a useful concept that can be applied in fields like these, especially with circular figures

Avatar for Alex Hidden
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Pi is very important in engineering and mathematics jobs because the world is surrounded by circles. People need to understand what it is to use it right and calculate measurements for pi.

Avatar for Sumukh Badari
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It is very important to understand pi because we are surrounded by a lot of circular objects and when we do things such as baking or building something, and if we don't know and understand pi, then that will make our measurements incomplete, which means we won't be able to do the job.

Avatar for Hannah Yoder
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It is important to know and understand pi because it is useful in the mathematic, scientific, statistical, and many other fields.

Avatar for Lucy Grossmann
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Math! Engineering! Concept of infinity! Statistics!

Avatar for Utkarsh Sayini
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It can be used in Engineering and the math world

Avatar for Tayo Odueke
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It can be used for engineering or manufactoring, to calculate the amount of materials needed to make a circle with a given diameter, or vice versa. For example, if you wanted to know how big a circular frame must be to fit a picture with a diagonal length of 10 cm, you know the circumference would need to be at least be 31.5 cm (you round up so the frame is not to small). Also if you have a wheel that needs to have a circumfrence of 1 meter, you can figure out the length of the spokes must be roughly 1 /3.14*2 meters