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The taxonomy of candy

Lesson created by Kim Preshoff using TED-Ed's lesson creatorVideo from thebrainscoop YouTube channel

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Wow! There are a lot of organisms on Earth!  How are these organisms sorted, grouped and classified by scientists?  What would you do if you were confronted with a selection of organisms, each unique and different and asked to group them?

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How can classification of organisms be both positive and negative? Share your ideas.

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Avatar for Chloe Fookes Valenzuela
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Un lado positivo de las clasificaciones de los organismos son las posibilidades de mejorar su entorno y calidad de vida. A pesar de esto, la falta de acuerdos científicos puede llevar a confusiones y vacío de información.

Avatar for Martina Isidora Gonzalez Sanchez
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positive to compare and protect spicies that can live in different enviorments and negative due to experts can make mistakes and unbalance the ecosistem.

Avatar for Daniel Engelhardt Guerrero
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This classification is positive because it helps us understand the lineage of each organism through all its ancestors. A potential downside, however, is that this taxonomy could be taken as definitive, discouraging further investigation. Yet, discovering new features in organisms may change their classification.

Avatar for Kolbi Sears
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It can positive by learning more about the ancestry and history of organisms. The negative could be that if we organize things together we may be less open minded to see the possible differences and individuality.

Avatar for J & C S
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It can positive by learning more about the ancestry and history of organisms. The negative could be that if we organize things together we may be less open minded to see the possible differences and individuality.

Avatar for Isabella Arrenquin
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Wow! There are a lot of organisms on Earth!

Avatar for daisy hunter
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I think it can show where many things came from and how differnt we are , but it can be cause confusion and difficult and time consuming.
