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Axolotls are masters of regeneration

Lesson created by Kim Preshoff using TED-Ed's lesson creatorVideo from Animalogic YouTube channel

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People axolotl questions about the axolotl. What exactly is an axolotl? This unique and threatened species of salamander can regenerate! What does that mean? Why might this be important for scientists to study? Watch and find out!

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Avatar for Kim Preshoff
Lesson creator

Why is it important that scientists continue to study the axolotl? How might these studies help humans?

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Avatar for Taylor Pearson
Lesson completed

So that they can discover more about cancer and about the cancer cells , so that we can use that discovery to help us cure cancer

Avatar for Yash Gune
Lesson in progress

These studies might help to provide missing limbs to the disabled people and they can live normal life. which might be a noble cause.

Avatar for Sydney Robinson
Lesson in progress

with their almost immunity to battle cancer we could use what we learn from then and apply it to antibiotics