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Helium - Periodic Table of Videos


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Periodic Videos

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The team at periodicvideos has created a TED-Ed Lesson for every element of the periodic table. This one is about helium, Donald Duck voices, and floating balloons.

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If you cool some materials with liquid helium, they lose their electrical resistance. In this way, we can obtain superconducting materials.

What do you think would be the most interesting applications of superconductors in the future?

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Avatar for Nikita Malota
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Avatar for Jess MeGusta
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transportation (goods, produce, information)

Avatar for Otto Alfaro
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By putting it in things that won't work any more helium could help it

Avatar for Conner Lawton
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faster electrical responce

Avatar for Brandy Hall
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Hi I am TJ and I am 9. I watched the video on the MRI on the eggs and candy eggs. I believe the Prof. said they used cooled He in those machines. It is really neat!

Avatar for Sean O'Neill
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As of lately the ITER Fusion Project has seen a need for some serious cabling. It'd be very cool to use supercooled superconductors to work on making more compact, maybe even more efficient fusion reactors for use in engines or power plants.

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