The British Museum is full of stolen artifacts
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Some of the world’s greatest cultural and historical treasures are housed in London’s British Museum, and a significant number of them were taken during Britain’s centuries-long imperial rule. In recent years, many of the countries missing their cultural heritage have been asking for some of these items back. Vox takes us along the museum’s "Don’t Miss" tour to see these stolen artifacts.
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Additional Resources for you to Explore
For more information on the two Benin Bronzes returned by Mark Walker, check out this piece by The Guardian
Here are some links to learn more about the other contested items on the British Museum’s “Don’t Miss List” referenced in the video:
- Greece seeks return of Parthenon Marbles amid restoration project
- Egypt called; it wants its Rosetta Stone back
- Easter Islanders call for return of statue from British Museum
- Tajik leader wants treasure from British Museum
Lastly, here is an opinion piece by prominent lawyer Geoffrey Robertson arguing why the pieces should be returned
And here is another opinion piece by author Tiffany Jenkins arguing why the pieces should stay in Western museums
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- Video created by Vox
- Lesson Plan created by Lauren McAlpine