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Myths you learned in health class

Lesson created by Cynthia Silva using TED-Ed's lesson creatorVideo from The Atlantic YouTube channel

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Remember learning about the food pyramid in health class? As it turns out, it was based on a lot of misinformation about nutrition. The Atlantic explores the source of some of the lasting myths about healthy foods and fitness and the new science shaping health class today.

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How do nutrition myths impact the flourishing diet industry?

Avatar for Cynthia Silva
Cynthia SilvaLesson CreatorPrinceton, New Jersey, United States

The people who spread Nutritional myths should be updated with latest knowledge on nutrition or health in general. Diets like Keto are safe if the people do them correctly by following scientific advice. and the most important- gather your information or knowledge from authentic sources and read research papers or scientific evidence. There are a whole range of diets out there, each one having people who successfully do it and people who fail at it. Gather Scientific knowledge from the best and do what works for you- remember, everybody’s unique and what works for you may not work for others.

Avatar for Raj Aurshah

Posted on 07/17/2023

Posted by Raj Aurshah COMPLETED LESSON

Nutirtion myths tend to be the backbone of many popular diets, that prove to be ineffective or even dangerous. Diets built of of fulse nutritional information can lead to peole not getting the foods they need because they have been told it is bad for them or will make them gain wieght when in reality they need things like carbs, eggs, dairy, and the right amount of calories over all.

Avatar for Therese Keleher

Posted on 09/19/2022

Posted by Therese Keleher COMPLETED LESSON

I think myths are dangerous these days thanks to social media. Today , a myth can be easily spread amongst the people who uses social media.Also food producers only care about their income as we saw that before. So too many harmful myths may be embraced by the people.

Avatar for Efe Bayrak

Posted on 05/12/2022

Posted by Efe Bayrak COMPLETED LESSON

Nutritional myths are common. People believe the things they read on the internet and, worst of all, they can give up eating valuable foods in favor of processed and unhealthy ones.

A myth that is repeated by people is that the ketogenic diet is healthy and has a positive effect on weight loss. Producers are taking advantage of this and producing more and more ketogenic products.

Avatar for Patrycja Tomczak

Posted on 01/16/2022

Posted by Patrycja Tomczak LESSON IN PROGRESS

Nutritional myths are influencing a flourishing diet industry because people believe in myths and do not check to see if they are the truth.

Avatar for Kaja Urban

Posted on 01/16/2022

Posted by Kaja Urban LESSON IN PROGRESS

They make the work of dietitians difficult. People often don't believe their diet is bad since they've been eating this way for several years and are healthy.

Some people believe these myths and thus make dietary mistakes.

Avatar for Kasia Mioskowska

Posted on 01/16/2022

Posted by Kasia Mioskowska LESSON IN PROGRESS

Nutritional myths affect a thriving dietary industry as many people do not know what is truth and what is myth and contributes to eating inferior products.

Avatar for Marika Klimczak

Posted on 01/16/2022

Posted by Marika Klimczak LESSON IN PROGRESS
