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Why cartoon characters wear gloves

Lesson created by Emilie Soffe using TED-Ed's lesson creatorVideo from Vox YouTube channel

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Have you ever noticed that a bunch of cartoon characters wear gloves? Why is that? Vox investigates.

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Avatar for Ale Gonzalez
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So a simple question basically ends with a slightly racist explanation. I'm sorry if that ruined Disney and your favorite cartoon friends. If it makes you feel better over time the troubadour shows lost their popularity and whites were only associated with our much-loved cartoons.

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Avatar for Alinne Aguilar
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The cases of racism are remarkable, and I am amazed how these subliminal messages have been brought to the attention of all without losing a penny:)

Avatar for Carlos Carmona Anaya
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the truth was racist, but as times change, maybe they continue to use jokes in that sense but because in these times and before has been for entertainment

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it is recognizable that from its beginnings Disney has been in a passive or subliminal position of racism and obscurity in all the animations that it has published, but it is admirable the way in which it has managed that those subbliminales messages arrive at sight of all without losing a penny

Avatar for Gia Perry
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I think that this is true, but there is another side to it... I mean, they really could only use black and white in the shows if you think about it...

Avatar for Jatziel Guerra
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well, i think they still have the essence from the beginning, but because everything has to change over time.