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Lithium - Periodic Table of Videos

Lesson created by Periodic Videos using TED-Ed's lesson creatorVideo from Periodic Videos YouTube channel

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The team at periodicvideos has created a TED-Ed Lesson for every element of the periodic table. This one is about lithium, the lightest of the alkali metals.

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Avatar for Frank Gasparro
Lesson in progress

How could there be a video on lithium and not mention its unique role in modern batteries!!!???

they are typically called lithium ion batteries because the very small lithium ion actually moves.

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Avatar for Nikita Malota
Lesson completed

they must have ran out of time in the main video but there are tons more videos

Avatar for brayden Gallardo
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Did you look at .....And Finally?

Avatar for Molly Russell
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they already have a video on it if you look up lithium

Avatar for Ron Hill
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Exactly. More relevant to experience since more people have experience with lithium batteries than use lithium to treat bipolar illness. Although, the discovery on that front is an interesting story. I was waiting to see a laptop catch fire :)

Avatar for andrew simmons
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in response to Phil Karn Show comment

the problem is that a battery is tough to open added with the fact that you have to watch out for the acidity to it might just be to hard

Avatar for Phil Karn
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Agreed, lithium-ion batteries are now the most important use of lithium, by far. A video about them would be very helpful.

Avatar for Eddie Diaz
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Great point! But I think that it must be tough to present everything about each element in such a short period of time.

Avatar for Theo Baum
Lesson in progress

i know!