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The generosity of TED-Ed's community on Patreon makes it possible for this nonprofit initiative to serve millions of learners and teachers around the world every day, for free.

Featured Patrons, Thank You!

Search and sort the list below to see how many TED-Ed Animations and TED-Ed Clubs your patronage has helped enable.

contributing $5 or more /month
since you became a patron
since you became a patron
Rohan Gupta 801 19146
Begum Tutuncu 802 19147
Brian Richards 803 19158
Jørgen Østerpart 805 19270
Tyron Jung 805 19270
Carsten Tobehn 807 19322
Katie Dean 807 19322
Ezgi Yersu 807 19322
Gerald Onyango 808 19330
alessandra tasso 808 19389
Doreen Reynolds-Consolati 811 19843
Manognya Chakrapani 813 19865