16:30 Public Health The danger of science denial - Michael Specter Lesson duration 16:30 74,320 Views
08:13 Cognition and Learning What adults can learn from kids - Adora Svitak Lesson duration 08:13 232,913 Views
23:38 Nature of Science Science can answer moral questions - Sam Harris Lesson duration 23:38 119,558 Views
17:51 Technology Four principles for the open world - Don Tapscott Lesson duration 17:51 21,120 Views
19:39 Earth and Space Science Earth's mass extinction - Peter Ward Lesson duration 19:39 56,382 Views
03:51 Medical Conditions The coming neurological epidemic - Gregory Petsko Lesson duration 03:51 38,178 Views
04:22 History How to find the true face of Leonardo - Siegfried Woldhek Lesson duration 04:22 103,818 Views
17:30 Consciousness, Sensation and Perception A plant's-eye view - Michael Pollan Lesson duration 17:30 88,355 Views
18:17 Earth and Space Science On exploring the oceans - Robert Ballard Lesson duration 18:17 115,024 Views
11:18 Physical Science Dance vs. PowerPoint, a modest proposal - John Bohannon and Black Label Movement Lesson duration 11:18 85,786 Views
15:05 Motivation and Emotion Stanford University Commencement 2005 - Steve Jobs Lesson duration 15:05 45,734,457 Views