05:10 Literature Why should you read Tolstoy's "War and Peace"? Lesson duration 05:10 5,352,345 Views
05:06 History How did Dracula become the world's most famous vampire? Lesson duration 05:06 3,926,707 Views
05:02 Literature Everything you need to know to read "Frankenstein" Lesson duration 05:02 1,768,039 Views
04:57 Literature Everything you need to know to read Homer's "Odyssey" Lesson duration 04:57 2,172,351 Views
04:20 Performing Arts Why should you listen to Vivaldi's "Four Seasons"? Lesson duration 04:20 4,616,740 Views
04:34 Visual Arts Why is Vermeer's "Girl with the Pearl Earring" considered a masterpiece? Lesson duration 04:34 5,388,990 Views
04:53 Performing Arts The history of African-American social dance Lesson duration 04:53 795,030 Views
05:04 Literature & Language What makes something "Kafkaesque"? Lesson duration 05:04 13,216,181 Views
02:53 Teaching & Education Why we should draw more (and photograph less) Lesson duration 02:53 386,001 Views
04:17 Performing Arts The physics of the "hardest move" in ballet Lesson duration 04:17 2,547,593 Views