06:25 Earth and Space Science Carl Sagan on the Existence of Extraterrestrials Lesson duration 06:25 656,166 Views
10:52 Philosophy Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Beauty of the Everyday Lesson duration 10:52 1,111,664 Views
04:43 Science & Technology The Turing test: Can a computer pass for a human? Lesson duration 04:43 1,692,016 Views
05:21 Literature & Language The controversial origins of the Encyclopedia Lesson duration 05:21 461,192 Views
04:16 Design, Engineering & Technology The ethical dilemma of self-driving cars Lesson duration 04:16 2,112,694 Views
04:35 Thinking & Learning Can you solve the prisoner hat riddle? Lesson duration 04:35 31,114,335 Views
04:42 Philosophy & Religion Can you solve the famously difficult green-eyed logic puzzle? Lesson duration 04:42 15,706,448 Views
03:55 Social Studies Mansa Musa, one of the wealthiest people who ever lived Lesson duration 03:55 8,086,968 Views