07:26 Physical Science Flerovium (NEW ELEMENT!) - Periodic Table of Videos Lesson duration 07:26 427,360 Views
07:06 Physical Science Protactinium (new) - Periodic Table of Videos Lesson duration 07:06 413,983 Views
17:44 Earth and Space Science The sound the universe makes - Janna Levin Lesson duration 17:44 27,992 Views
06:53 Environmental Science Planning for the end of oil - Richard Sears Lesson duration 06:53 46,392 Views
05:00 Science & Technology From DNA to Silly Putty, the diverse world of polymers Lesson duration 05:00 361,601 Views
05:23 Design, Engineering & Technology High-altitude wind energy from kites! - Saul Griffith Lesson duration 05:23 64,096 Views
03:52 Science & Technology All of the energy in the universe is... Lesson duration 03:52 447,561 Views
03:27 Earth and Space Science Could a Saturn moon harbor life? - Carolyn Porco Lesson duration 03:27 24,485 Views