10:37 Performing Arts Getting started as a DJ: Mixing, mashups and digital turntables Lesson duration 10:37 1,846,817 Views
09:05 Media and Journalism Beware online "filter bubbles" - Eli Pariser Lesson duration 09:05 72,144 Views
06:44 Earth and Space Science What we can learn from galaxies far, far away Lesson duration 06:44 257,801 Views
05:03 Motivation and Emotion 3 things I learned while my plane crashed - Ric Elias Lesson duration 05:03 85,457 Views
03:51 Physical Science An athlete uses physics to shatter world records Lesson duration 03:51 2,124,426 Views
17:41 Earth and Space Science The history of our world in 18 minutes - David Christian Lesson duration 17:41 304,438 Views
05:56 History How one teenager unearthed baseball's untold history Lesson duration 05:56 62,732 Views
17:10 Science & Technology Fractals and the art of roughness - Benoit Mandelbrot Lesson duration 17:10 47,168 Views
06:10 Earth and Space Science How fast are you moving right now? Lesson duration 06:10 1,920,505 Views
06:58 Earth and Space Science A 3D atlas of the universe - Carter Emmart Lesson duration 06:58 1,876,642 Views
19:02 Psychology The pattern behind self-deception - Michael Shermer Lesson duration 19:02 68,059 Views