03:47 Physical Fitness How playing sports benefits your body ... and your brain Lesson duration 03:47 2,484,146 Views
05:04 Literature & Language What makes something "Kafkaesque"? Lesson duration 05:04 13,215,371 Views
10:52 Philosophy Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Beauty of the Everyday Lesson duration 10:52 1,111,856 Views
02:53 Teaching & Education Why we should draw more (and photograph less) Lesson duration 02:53 385,993 Views
05:01 Growth & Development The surprising reason you feel awful when you're sick Lesson duration 05:01 4,221,752 Views
04:03 Data Analysis & Probability Should you trust unanimous decisions? Lesson duration 04:03 4,356,820 Views
04:23 Environmental Science Why the insect brain is so incredible Lesson duration 04:23 716,459 Views
03:50 Data Analysis & Probability Can you solve the locker riddle? Lesson duration 03:50 11,785,916 Views
04:30 Thinking & Learning 5 tips to improve your critical thinking Lesson duration 04:30 10,773,436 Views
04:33 Literature & Language How miscommunication happens (and how to avoid it) Lesson duration 04:33 2,915,147 Views
05:21 Literature & Language The controversial origins of the Encyclopedia Lesson duration 05:21 461,253 Views