12:47 Psychology What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness Lesson duration 12:47 27,008,406 Views
01:48 Design, Engineering & Technology How coffee got quicker | Moments of Vision 2 Lesson duration 01:48 455,078 Views
12:15 Linguistics Your words may predict your future mental health Lesson duration 12:15 803,834 Views
11:38 Thinking & Learning Why you think you're right — even if you're wrong Lesson duration 11:38 2,180,150 Views
12:08 History The missing plague that could have changed history Lesson duration 12:08 11,699,090 Views
03:47 Physical Fitness How playing sports benefits your body ... and your brain Lesson duration 03:47 2,481,767 Views
06:25 Earth and Space Science Carl Sagan on the Existence of Extraterrestrials Lesson duration 06:25 656,055 Views