04:30 Mathematics How high can you count on your fingers? (Spoiler: much higher than 10) Lesson duration 04:30 3,476,562 Views
04:45 Science & Technology Why doesn’t anything stick to Teflon? Lesson duration 04:45 3,101,055 Views
06:58 Science & Technology Why Don't Ants Get Stuck In Traffic? Lesson duration 06:58 2,416,621 Views
02:06 Design How smudge-proof lipstick was invented | Moments of Vision 6 Lesson duration 02:06 309,755 Views
04:46 Science & Technology Is there a reproducibility crisis in science? Lesson duration 04:46 446,261 Views
04:39 Information Literacy What's the fastest way to alphabetize your bookshelf? Lesson duration 04:39 3,899,985 Views
09:40 Health This temporary tattoo helps women have healthy pregnancies Lesson duration 09:40 176,475 Views
03:12 Civics Neil deGrasse Tyson Replies to Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Lesson duration 03:12 196,689 Views