10:52 Philosophy Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Beauty of the Everyday Lesson duration 10:52 1,111,685 Views
06:17 Earth and Space Science Three Ways to Destroy the Universe Lesson duration 06:17 27,623,261 Views
05:13 Biological Bases of Behavior 5 Weird Involuntary Reflexes Explained! Lesson duration 05:13 2,885,915 Views
04:18 Social Studies Why is the US Constitution so hard to amend? Lesson duration 04:18 1,076,686 Views
11:44 Design, Engineering & Technology The World's Roundest Object (and Why it Exists) Lesson duration 11:44 38,180,440 Views
07:58 Thinking & Learning The backwards brain bicycle: un-doing understanding Lesson duration 07:58 30,836,911 Views
03:55 Science & Technology Proof of Evolution That You Can Find on Your Body Lesson duration 03:55 37,851,920 Views
05:35 Social Studies 5 Things You May Not Have Known About Houdini Lesson duration 05:35 958,015 Views
05:21 Thinking & Learning The most human activity - Neil deGrasse Tyson Lesson duration 05:21 117,913 Views
04:24 Design, Engineering & Technology Who's Creating Your Digital Dossier? Lesson duration 04:24 394,704 Views